XIV Międzynarodowe Seminarium Doktoranckie / International Doctoral Seminars – 15 stycznia 2025 r.

International Doctoral Seminars
January 15th, 2025, 16.00-18.00 (CET)
The Doctoral School of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (WUEB) is pleased to invite join the
discussion in a series of International Doctoral Seminars which will be held online.

  • presentation of doctoral students’ research;
  • creating an international forum of discussion between doctoral students and established academics;
  • exchange of research experience.
    The topic of the Fourteenth Seminar: Sustainability in Business, Economic and Financial Research
    Program of the meeting:
    16:00 – Welcome address: Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska (Vice-Rector for Accreditation and InternationalCooperation) and Prof. Dominika Bąk-Grabowska (Dean of Doctoral School of WUEB)
    16.15 – Opening lecture by a keynote speaker: Prof. Noemi Sinkovics (Newcastle University Business School)Noemi Sinkovics is Professor of Sustainable and Responsible Business at Newcastle University Business School (UK). She has a master’s degree from WU Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and a PhD fromthe University of Manchester. She is currently Visiting Professor at the University of Murcia, Spain and at the University of Vaasa’s InnoLab in Finland. She previously worked at The University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, The University of Auckland, New Zealand and The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Her research focuses on how businesses can balance their social, environmental, and economic objectives. She has been awarded many times for her outstanding research. She holds multiple editorial roles (e.g. European Management Journal, Critical Perspectives on International Business) and regularly publishes in top journals.Title of lecture: Charting Your Course: Navigating the Many Paths of Academic Success
    16:55 – Joanna Biernacka, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Social Impact of DiversityManagement by Inclusive Organizations
    17:15 – Weronika Muszyńska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Networking competence and personal brand – opportunities to increase employability?
    17.35 – Muhaid Ali, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Prediction of Transport Mode Choice – Promoting Sustainable Transportation Systems
    Moderated by: Prof. Artur Klimek
    Basic Features: held online via Teams; the language of the meeting: English; each participant will receive a
    certificate of attendance.
    Registration for the meeting – to get a link to the meeting via Teams please fill in by January 14th 2025 form:
    olga.rutkowska@ue.wroc.pl; renata.majewska@ue.wroc.pl