Archiwalna – Doctoral Program (2020-2022)

The confines of CUE Doctoral Program allow earning a doctoral degree in one of three social sciences disciplines;

  • Economics and finance,
  • Social and economic geography and spatial management,
  • Sciences of politics and administration,
  • Sciences of management and quality.


Realization and verification of the learning outcomes at level 8 of PQF

The learning outcomes at level 8 for higher education can be reached by the participation in:

  • seminars,
  • workshops aimed at improving the research tools,
  • tutorials,
  • meetings held for the purposes of presentation and discussion about the realization of an individual research plan,
  • individual work of the doctoral student.

List of classes realized within the framework of the CUE Doctoral Program is available here

Form of classes: the classes are held for two semesters online on MS Teams platform during weekends (on Fridays evenings and on Saturdays/Sundays). 



The amount, calculation and the way of remitting the fees for the participation in the classes intended to reach the learning outcomes at level 8 PQF, implementation of the individual research plan within the framework of CUS Doctoral Program, and the fees for the procedure to grant a doctoral degree have been described in the Rector’s Ordinance.