archiwalna – Recruitment for summer semester 2021/22

Procedure of recruitment – CUE Doctoral Program

The confines of CUE Doctoral Program allow earning a doctoral degree in one of four social sciences disciplines;

  • Economics and finance,
  • Sciences of politics and administration,
  • Sciences of management and quality.
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Diploma recognition

International candidates applying for doctoral programs in Poland should check if their Master diplomas fulfill requirements of Polish Higher Education System – if not, the diplomas should be recognised by Polish National Agency for Academic exchange (NAWA). Read more…

Realization and verification of the learning outcomes at level 8 of PQF
Scientific supervision
The number of places
Fees for enrollment procedure
Enrollment schedule
Application to qualify to participation in the CUE Doctoral Program
Research proposal
The enrollment procedure
Realization and verification of the learning outcomes at level 8 of PQF

The learning outcomes at level 8 for higher education can be reached by the participation in:

a) seminars,

b) workshops aimed at improving the research tools,

c) tutorials,

d) meetings held for the purposes of presentation and discussion about the realization of an individual research plan,

and individual work of the doctoral student.

List of classes realized within the framework of the CUE Doctoral Program is available here

Scientific supervision

The candidates shall select one person for their scientific supervisor from the list of names offered for the academic year 2021/2022 summer semester for a given discipline.

The candidate shall receive an initial approval from the CUE faculty member whom he/she selected to become a supervisor of their doctoral dissertation. The supervisor shall also approve the research proposal prepared by the candidate.

The lists of names of possible scientific supervisors for individual disciplines may be found at:

In order to obtain an approval from the CUE faculty member to become a scientific supervisor, the candidate shall submit his/her identification generated by IRK CUE system (Internet Registration of Candidates). Each candidate shall have an account with IRK system ( where they shall submit their basic personal information (the first name and the surname, an e-mail address). Once entered into the system, the identification number shall be available under the “My account” bookmark. The CUE faculty member who has agreed to become a scientific supervisor, shall send their approval note (a pdf file format ) to the candidate’s e-mail address upon receipt of the identification number. The above approval note shall be attached to the candidate’s application for admission to the CUE Doctoral Program.

The number of places

The number of available places in the CUE Doctoral Program is dependent on the number of CUE faculty members who signed up as the scientific supervisors.

Fees for enrollment procedure

The fees due for the procedure of qualification of the candidates to the CUE Doctoral Program amount to:

1) 400 PLN for the CUE Doctoral Program held in Polish,

2) 150 euro for the CUE Doctoral Program held in a foreign language

The fees shall be remitted following opening an account with the IRK system, and before submitting a full application via the foregoing system.

Fee in euro should be transferred to

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków

Bank address:

Alior Bank

ul. Łopuszańska 38d, 02-232 Warszawa


PL 34 2490 0005 0000 4600 1779 3591

The transfer should hold a title “Doctoral Program_enrollment_winter 2021_Candidate Name Surname”.

Enrollment schedule

  • from 4 January 2021 till 28 February 2022 – the candidates shall have an opportunity to contact CUE faculty members and obtain an initial approval to render scientific supervision to the candidate (the way of communication has been indicated by the persons included in the offer)
  • from 17 January 2022 – Internet registration system (IRK) serving the needs of the CUE Doctoral Program
  • from 17 January 2022 till 28 February 2022 – the enrollment process and submission of digital versions of documents
  • information about the acceptance to the CUE Doctoral Program shall be sent not later than 28 March 2022.
Application to qualify to participation in the CUE Doctoral Program

The application to qualify to participation in the CUE Doctoral Program, jointly with digital versions of the documents, shall be submitted via IRK (Internet Registration of Candidates)

The application shall include:

1) candidate’s personal information, including: first name (names), surname, (surnames) nationality, PESEL number (or when it is not applicable, the serial number of a document proving the identity of the applicant and the country that issued the document), contact information (including the address for correspondence, contact telephone number and an e-mail address);

2) definition of the discipline in which the candidate wishes to earn a doctoral degree;

3) the approval of a faculty member to act in the capacity of a supervisor in accordance with the discipline in which the candidate intends to apply for a doctoral degree;

4) the proposal of the research project approved by the supervisor, consistent with the discipline in which the candidate wishes to earn the doctoral degree;

5) digital copies of the following documents:

a)  CV,
b) A copy of the M.Sc., M.Sc. (Eng.), or an equivalent degree diploma, a supplement to the diploma and a transcript of grades,
c) A photograph,
d) Certificates attesting the knowledge of foreign languages,
e) A list of publications and their copies, or the text of publications jointly with the certificate proving they went to print (if applicable),
f) Affidavit of internships, experience in the academic work, appearance as a visiting lecturer (if applicable),
g) Affidavit of presentations at scientific conferences (if applicable),
h) A letter of recommendation from a faculty member or an employer (if applicable),
i) A permission to process personal information for the purposes of enrollment,
j) In case of persons applying to earn the doctoral degree in an extramural mode in a foreign language – a certificate attesting the command of a foreign language at least at B2 level of CEFR, or a document attesting that the candidate has completed BA/B.Sc. or supplementary MA/M.Sc. studies provided in the language compatible with the language in which the CUE Doctoral Program will be run.

Research proposal

The research proposal consistent with the discipline in which a candidate wishes to earn a doctoral degree shall consist of 6 – 8 pages (without title page, table of contents and bibliography) and shall include:

1) the subject,

2) substantiation for the selection of the research proposal,

3) reference to a more extensive theoretical context based on the review of literature,

4) formulation of the goal of research, hypotheses and the research questions,

5) presentation of the sources of information and research methods,

6) presentation of the planned research procedure and the expected outcomes of research,

7) bibliography including the works referred to by the candidate in the submitted proposal.

Please notice that research proposal prepared not in the required template will not be accepted!


Please notice that research proposal that does not meet all requirements specified in the template will not be considered!

The enrollment procedure

Only candidates who have submitted a complete and proper application jointly with the digital copies of documents specified by the application, and promptly remitted the fee for the procedure of qualification to the CUE Doctoral Program, shall be admitted to the qualification.

The applications that do not meet the above criteria shall not be assessed, and the submission of such an application shall disqualify a candidate from the procedure. An application whose research proposal does not fulfill the provisions of §12 section 3, and which does not follow the prescribed structure shall be deemed improper.

The qualification procedure shall comprise the following stages:

1)  the evaluation of the candidate’s research proposal,

2) scoring of the candidate’s application with the consideration of all other criteria,

3) the decision on the acceptance of the application and the appointment of a tutor, or the decision to refuse the application.

The candidate’s research proposal shall be assessed by two independent reviewers appointed by Scientific Board of the CUE Doctoral School. The final grade shall be calculated as an arithmetic mean of points awarded by both reviews. Each reviewer shall award from 0 to 18 points. Should the difference exceed 5 points, then the ultimate assessment shall be made during a session of the Scientific Board of the CUE Doctoral School.

Apart from the research proposal, the following elements shall be subject to assessment:

1) internships, academic experience, guest lectures [0-2 pts.]

2) scientific publications – authorship or co-authorship of a book, a paper published in conference materials, an expert opinion, scientific note, etc.. The assessment shall consider the rank of the publication and whether it has been listed as prescribed by article 267, section 3 of the Act; [0-5 points]

3) presentations at scientific conferences [0-1 pts.]

4) knowledge of foreign languages, at least B2 level of CEFR attested by certificates:

a) in case of candidates applying to qualify for the CUE Doctoral Program held in Polish:

· knowledge of English at B2 level or higher: [0-2 pts.]

· knowledge of other foreign languages: [0-1 pts.]

b) in case of candidates applying to qualify for the CUE Doctoral Program held in a foreign language:

· knowledge of a foreign language other than the language in which the CUE Doctoral Program is held, and other than Polish at level B2 or higher: [0-2 pts.]

· knowledge of other foreign languages other than the language in which the CUE Doctoral Program is held, and other than Polish: [0-1 pts.]

c) a letter of recommendation (from a faculty member or employer): [0-1 pts.]

A candidate can score a total of 30 points in the qualification procedure.

The candidates qualified to participate in the CUE Doctoral Program shall score minimum 15 points, and their research proposal shall score minimum 10 points.

The decision to approve a candidate’s application to commence procedures for earning a doctoral degree through participation in the CUE Doctoral Program shall be taken by the Director of the CUE Doctoral School. The Director shall take the decision on the basis of the assessment made in the first two stages of the qualification process. By the same token, the Director shall appoint a scientific supervisor for the candidate.

The candidate shall have the right to appeal the decision by submitting an application to the Rector of Cracow University of Economics within 14 days from the delivery of the decision.


I. The fee for participation in the classes that allow reaching learning outcomes at level 8 and the implementation of the individual research program with the CUE Doctoral Program framework held in a foreign language amounts to 6,500 EUR. The fee shall be paid by the participant as a one-time fee, or in two equal installments, pursuant to the concluded contract. Concluding a contract that stipulates payment in installments shall be possible at the participant’s request, after prior agreement of the Director of CUE Doctoral School. The fee or the first installment shall be paid within seven days from the date of concluding the contract, while the second installment shall be paid within six months from that date.

II. The fee for the procedure to award a doctoral degree to the participants of the CUE Doctoral Program is calculated with reference to the minimum monthly basic fee payable to a professor, as determined by the minister in charge of higher education, and it includes the following components:

1) supervisor’s remuneration amounting to 83% of the minimum fee payable to a professor,

2) auxiliary supervisor’s remuneration amounting to 50% of the minimum fee payable to a professor,

3) reviewers’ remuneration calculated for each of them as 27% of the minimum fee payable to a professor,

4) other direct costs,

5) overheads amounting to 25% of the costs stipulated by points 1 – 2.

The payment of the fee stipulated in section 1 points 1-3, and the corresponding overheads, shall be made prior to the submission of the application to commence the procedure to grant a doctoral degree. A participant shall present a confirmation of the payment jointly with the application to commence the procedure. The payment of the fee stipulated by section 1 point 4 and the corresponding overheads shall be made prior to the submission of the application to grant a doctoral degree, from the Doctoral Commission to the proper Scientific Discipline Council, and it shall be a prerequisite for the submission of the application.

A preliminary calculation of the costs of the procedure to grant a doctoral degree is provided in Annex to the Contract signed by the participant of CUE Doctoral Progam and is made according to the rates in force at the time of its preparation. The costs shall be adjusted in the course of the procedure for granting a doctoral degree, in line with the provisions in force as of the date of these costs.

Table 1 (link) presents the preliminary calculation of the costs of the procedure to grant a doctoral degree on an extramural basis by the participating in the CUE Doctoral Program according to the rates applicable at the time of its preparation. Costs in euro were calculated at the 4,3 exchange rate (EUR/ZŁ).

Table 2. Total costs of CUE Doctoral Program (link)

The amount, calculation and the way of remitting the fees for the participation in the classes intended to reach the learning outcomes at level 8 PQF, implementation of the individual research plan within the framework of CUS Doctoral Program, and the fees for the procedure to grant a doctoral degree have been described in the Rector’s Ordinance