The doctoral degree – requirements

1. holds the professional title of magister (Master’s degree), magister inżynier (Master’s Engineer) or equivalent, or holds the diploma referred to in Article 326 section 2 point 2 of the Act, or Article 327 section 2 of the Act, giving the right to apply for a doctoral degree in the country in which the higher education system of the issuing university operates | read more…

Persons who have obtained their diploma outside Poland should verify whether their master’s diplomas meet the requirements of the Polish higher education system (KWALIFIKATOR NAWA: Kwalifikator – NAWA) – if not, the diplomas should be recognised by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) – for more information see the website: How to obtain a recognition statement – NAWA

2. has achieved learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF: | read more…

a) The learning outcomes for qualifications at PQF level 8 are verified by the Scientific Council of the KUE Doctoral School on the basis of the documents referred to in Annex 2 to the REGULATIONS regarding the procedure for the award of a doctoral degree (doktor i.e. PhD) at the Krakow University of Economics [link]. The request for verification, together with the documents allowing certification of these effects, should be submitted by the candidate for the doctoral degree after appointing a supervisor(s), and before submitting an application for the initiation of the procedure for conferring a doctoral degreet.

b) In accordance with the current regulations, the learning outcomes in the field a modern foreign language are validated by a certificate [list of certificates] or a diploma confirming the  knowledge of this language at the language proficiency level of at least B2. For those who do not have the relevant certificate or diploma, an examination may be conducted to prove knowledge of a modern foreign language at language proficiency level B2.

3. has achieved at least: | read more…

a) one article published in a scientific journal or in peer-reviewed proceedings from an international conference, which in the year of publication of the article in its final form was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued respectively on the basis of Article 267 section 2 point 2b of the Act, or

b) one scientific monograph published by a publishing house which, in the year of publication of the monograph in its final form, was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued respectively on the basis of Article 267 section 2 point 2a of the Act, or a chapter in such a monograph;

In the case of publications with multiple authors, referred to in Article 192 section 2 point 7 of the Act, the measure of participation of the person applying for the doctoral degree in the preparation of the publication is set at 1/n, where n is the number of authors of the considered work. It is considered that the requirement formulated in Article 186 section 3, points a and b of the Act is met when the sum of shares in the preparation of the publication designated for the person applying for the degree is not less than one.

4. has been admitted for a defence of his\her doctoral thesis | read more…

Has been admitted for a defence of his\her doctoral thesis i.e. have received positive reviews from at least 2 reviewers and passed the doctoral examination with a positive result.

5. has presented and defended a doctoral dissertation