Summer Course „The European System of Human Rights Protection, 1 -12 July 2024

The Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, conducts the 25nd Summer Course „The European System of Human Rights Protection„, 1 – 12 July 2024, at the Faculty of Law.

This Summer Course, held in English, will deal in detail specifically with the European system of human rights protection. Although there are numerous summer courses and other special study programs within Europe on human rights protection, this course provides an integrated treatment of the various European systems and of specifically European issues of human rights protection.

The other participants are the Universities of Wales Aberystwyth (United Kingdom), Rotterdam (Netherlands), Barcelona (Spain), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Szeged (Hungary), Vienna and Salzburg (Austria).

10 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) Points will be awarded to participants of the Summer Course.

The total fee for the program is 590 EURO.

For more information on the Summer Course and on the application procedure please visit our homepage: