III Nationwide English-Speaking Conference LSI „Problems of Contemporary Science”- 29/04/2022 

We would like to invite you to participate actively and passively in the III National English LSI Conference „Problems of Contemporary Science”.

Local Sessions of Interdisciplinarity (LSI) are an initiative of the conference cycle organized by the Interdisciplinary Scientific Circle of the Doctoral School at the University of Szczecin. In the beginning, the meetings were internal mini-conferences, but currently, it takes the form of national conferences. The meetings have a predetermined main topic, which is presented by speakers from various disciplines. The presentation is followed by a discussion on the topic.

The conference begins on 29/04/2022 at 5:00 p.m. There will be a maximum of 10 active participants, each of whom will have 10 minutes to speak. This will be followed by a discussion of the presented issues, in which passive participants will also be able to participate. Time allowed for the discussion: one and a half hours. Both active and passive participation is free of charge. The number of places for active participation is limited – the order of applications is not decisive, and the organizer reserves the right to select applications.

For more information, please check out the dedicated Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/2f4oAQ2IN

For questions, feel free to contact us at: iksdus@usz.edu.pl

Conference Platform: MS Teams (online)

The call is open until April 15, 2022.