International Doctoral Seminars – May 5th, 2022

The Doctoral School of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (WUEB) is pleased to invite join the discussion in a series of International Doctoral Seminars which will be held online.

• presentation of doctoral students’ research;
• creating an international forum of discussion between doctoral students and established academics;
• exchange of research experience.
Topic of fifth seminar: “Energy and digital transformation in economics, finance and management”

Basic Features: held online via Teams; language of meeting: English; each participant will receive certificate of attendance.

More infotmations…

Registration for non-presenting participants: to get link to meeting via Teams please send an email by May 4th, 2022 to and, Please include in email attached form: Excel file with data! Persons interested in participation in next seminar – presenting and non-presenting participations – please send email to contact data below until May 31st, 2022.