Individual path – information

>> The Krakow University of Economics has been authorized to confer doctoral degrees in the field of social sciences in the discipline of:

  • Economics and finance,
  • Social and economic geography and spatial management,
  • Sciences of politics and administration,
  • Sciences of management and quality,
  • Law.

>> English language doctoral candidates have the option of preparing their doctoral thesis via the individual path. This mode focused on interests of candidates and needs to deepen their specialist knowledge.
The individual path considers the additional verification of learning outcomes at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework (PRK).

>> Candidates who applies for a doctoral degree through the individual path must pay a fee for the procedure.

RESOLUTION regarding specification of the procedure for conferring a doctoral degre at the Krakow University of Economics

REGULATIONS regarding the procedure for the award of a doctoral degree (doktor i.e. PhD) at the Krakow University of Economics (Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution of the SenateNo. T.0022.35.2023 of 24 April 2023)

Terms and regulations of the use of research and IT infrastructure by persons preparing their doctoral dissertation on an extramural basis (Appendix No. 2 to the Resolution by the Senate No. T.0022.35.2023 of 24 April 2023)

REGULATION by the Rector of the Krakow University of Economics No. R.0211.69.2023 of October 16, 2023 on the fees related to obtaining a doctoral degree in the extramural mode at the Krakow University of Economics