2023 ECSECO Paper Competition – call for abstracts

The European Space Agency Director General Josef Aschbacher created the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce (ECSECO) in 2022. ECSECO provides a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and research on space economy and commerce.

The Secretariat of ECSECO is pleased to announce the first edition of the ECSECO Paper Competition, the first initiative of its kind in the field of space economy and commerce in Europe. The competition offers a unique opportunity for young researchers, doctoral and master’s students, to submit their work and win the ECSECO Best Paper Award!

The competition is composed of two rounds. In the first-round participants submit their abstracts in one chosen category from the two available:

  • Space Economy
  • Space Business and Commercialisation

The deadline to submit abstracts is 24 June. The top 4 submissions in each category will qualify for the second and final stage of the competition. The finalists will be asked to submit their full papers and invited to present at the Commercial Space Days conference (https://www.commercial-space-days.com/) in Luzern on 11-12 September 2023. All the finalists who submit their papers will be granted 2-Day Congress Pass for Commercial Space Days and 2-night accommodation during the event. The finalists will only need to cover their travel expenses themselves. The author of the best paper in each category will win the ECSECO Best Paper Award!

The competition also offers a chance to present work on space economy and commerce to get feedback from the top academics in the field of space economy and commerce! The jury in alphabetical order:

  • Prof. Vito Albino, Politecnico di Bari,
  • Dr. Benoit Cornet, Centre for Aviation Competence, University of St.Gallen,
  • Prof. Heidi Kuusniemi, University of Vaasa,
  • Prof. Katarzyna Malinowska, Kozminski University, Board member of Space Entrepreneurship Institute,
  • Prof. Benedikt Soja, ETH Zürich,
  • Prof. mult. Dr. Dr. Oliver Ullrich, Director UZH Space Hub, University of Zurich.

Please note that to participate in the competition you need to apply for membership in ECSECO. The process is very simple. You need to fill out a form on the ECSECO website, wait a couple of days until it’s processed, and pay the membership fee (€20 for students).

You can find more information on our website.