Annual Research Conference 2022 – 20-21 September 2022

The European Commission would like to invite early career researchers to present their work at its Annual Research Conference on 20-21 September 2022, organised by the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Seville, Spain.

The theme of this year’s conference is How to turn green in the European way? Keeping the cutting edge while remaining fair and social.

Research presented at the conference contributes to:

  • Design appropriate policies and instruments to incentivise a green transition
  • Change production and consumption patterns
  • Engineer the necessary private and public investment/technological transformation (define timing and size of the transformation without overburdening balance sheets)
  • Bring about the necessary innovation and human capital accumulation.

The research presented will broaden the traditional economic perspective and incorporate relevant technological and socioeconomic dimensions, while remaining directly anchored (and relevant) to economic policy making.

Up to 10 researchers will be selected to present their posters in dedicated sessions at the event, which will take place in Seville or online should restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic prevent in-person events from taking place. The scientific committee could invite those that present posters at the Conference for a welcome lunch with the conference speakers and organizers.

No fee shall be paid for the contributions sent to the European Commission in the context of the call for posters. The European Commission will print the posters selected to display them at the conference. In addition, up to two researchers may be invited for a separate working visit to present their work to the European Commission staff. The European Commission may make a contribution to the travel and accommodation costs of the participants selected for a working visit but reserves to itself the right not to invite researchers for a working visit.

How to participate
If you would like to participate, please send an extended abstract (minimum 2000 words) of your paper written in English to by 15 May 2022.

Submissions will be assessed by a selection committee looking for innovative thinking, scientific merit and relevance to the conference topic.

Candidates who are pre-selected will be informed by 15 June 2022. Selection will be based on the assessment of the extended abstracts, but candidates will be asked to subsequently submit the full version of their papers. Selected papers may be published on the ARC2022 website (pending agreement of the authors). The deadline for the submission of posters using the conference template (to be provided to selected authors in due time) and a video presentation of the poster (up to 5 minutes) is 1 August. Posters and videos will be also uploaded to the conference website (pending agreement of the authors).

Eligibility criteria
To take part in this call for posters, participants must be either currently enrolled in a PhD programme, or have completed their PhD less than six years before the conference date.
Participants must be lead authors of eligible papers meaning they are the paper’s first author; they were actively involved in conducting research; and they wrote and edited the paper. Co-authors of
eligible papers not meeting the early career criterion are allowed, but they will not participate in the poster presentation nor the working visit.
Individuals currently working for the EU institutions are not eligible for this call.

About the Conference
The Annual Research Conference, now in its 19th year, brings together leading economic scholars and policy practitioners to discuss cutting-edge research addressing Europe’s economic policy challenges. The theme of this year’s conference is “How to turn green in the European way? Keeping the cutting edge while remaining fair and social”.
The overall mission of the Annual Research Conference is to create a platform that enables exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge on economics and linked sciences between and amongst researchers, scholars and policymakers. It sees European Institutions as learning Institutions, frequently interacting with external researchers and scholars, and integrating knowledge produced elsewhere in evidence-based policymaking. The data controller is the Head of Unit Finance of DG ECFIN. The person responsible for this invitation assures data processing. The data protection notice is available at

Important Dates
Deadline for extended abstract submission: 15 May 2022
Decision of candidate selection: 15 June 2022
Deadline for the submission of poster and video presentation: 1 August 2022
Conference: 20-21 September 2022

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