DOCTORATE TRAINING COURSE, 6-9th June 2022, University of Valencia, Spain

The University of Valencia invites PhD students (young researchers) to participate in a summer doctorate training course aimed at strengthening scientific competences in the process of internationalization and mobility.

The topics of the course include issues aimed at strengthening the competences of doctoral students in the field of preparation and conduct of research, basic issues in empirical analysis, publications in international scientific journals and research career planning. The course in English will be conducted by experienced scientists from the University of Valencia with extensive scientific achievements. At the end of the course, participants will receive personal certificates confirming participation in the course.

Feel free to participate and see you in Valencia!

Course topics (18h):

– Theoretical foundations for Management and Strategy research: Grounding the framework and hypotheses

– How to deal with Empirical analysis: Basic methods for quantitative analysis

– Success factors for a good research paper

– From PhD student to academic: The researcher´s career

Details about the course (link1) and the registration form (link2).

Registration: 30th April 2022 r.

Fee payment deadline: 6th May 2022 r.


dr Marcin J. Piątkowski (