Law & Cognitive Science Conference – 26-28 July 2023 in Kraków

Future Law Lab of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the RECOGNISE Partnership are proud to announce the Law & Cognitive Science Conference, which will be held 26–28 July 2023 in Kraków, Poland.

The conference will be devoted to various interactions between law and cognitive science(s). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
● heuristics, cognitive biases, & law
● emotions, reasoning, intuition, & law
● cognitive structure of legal concepts
● legal reasoning & cognitive science
● Artificial Intelligence, cognitive science, & law
● cognitive science in empirical legal research
● legal education & cognitive science
● cognitive science & naturalization of law.

Active participation may take the form of a talk, poster, or workshop (other forms may be discussed via email with the organizers). We welcome submissions from researchers as well as people or institutions from outside academia (business, media, NGOs, etc.). Practice-oriented approach is encouraged.

● abstracts of talks/posters, descriptions of workshops (no more than 3000 characters including spaces)
via this form
● deadline: 9 April 2023
● decision: 22 April 2023

There is no conference fee. The organizers will provide coffee breaks and a social dinner. Tips on traveling to and accommodation in Kraków may be found on the conference website.

For more informations see Law & Cognitive Science Conference – Future Law Lab