
The procedure for conferring a doctor’s degree

Step 1. The doctoral candidates shall select one person for their scientific supervisor from the list published by Center for Doctoral Education and Procedures KUE.

Offer of scientific supervision:
Economics and finance,
Social and economic geography and spatial management,
Sciences of politics and administration,
Sciences of management and quality,

The supervisor of a doctoral dissertation prepared in the extramural mode may also be KUE employee from outside the above offer who holds at least the degree of doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree). 

Step 2. Elaboration of the initial concept (draft) of doctoral dissertation

The initial concept (draft) of doctoral dissertation is prepared under the guidance of supervisor in accordance with the template – TEMPLATE

Step 3. Appointing a supervisor(s)

The Council for Academic Discipline appoints a supervisor or supervisors, or a supervisor and assistant supervisor.
A supervisor may be a person holding at least the degree of doktor habilitowany (post-doctoral degree), and an assistant supervisor may be a person holding at least a degree of doktor (PhD). 

In order to submit an application for the appointment of supervisor(s), the following documents should be submitted via the KUE IRK system: 

request to to the Council for Academic Discipline – FORM 

consent of the future supervisor (or assistant supervisor ) to take up this function  – FORM FORM_SUPERVISOR, FORM_ASSISTANT_SUPERVISOR 

initial conception of the doctoral dissertation prepared in accordance with the template (Step III) in pdf version 

a scanned copy of the diploma of a magister Master’s degree, Master of Engineering or equivalent, or, if the candidate has not been awarded a copy of the relevant diploma, a certificate confirming completion of the studies and award of the Master’s degree, Master of Engineering or equivalent, or, in the case of studies completed abroad: 

– a scan of a legalised or apostille-embossed diploma or other document of graduation from studies abroad conferring the right to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in the country in whose system of higher education the higher education institution which issued it operates, or recognised as equivalent to a Polish diploma of graduation from a second-cycle study or a uniform master’s study and a professional title of magister or magister inżynier: on the basis of an international agreement specifying equivalence or through a nostrification procedure, on the basis of an issued certificate, 

– for a diploma awarded by a higher education institution of a Member State of the European Union, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the European Free Trade Association (European Economic Area – EFTA) attesting the successful completion of: a second-cycle programme of study; or a four-year or more uniform programme of study in the country of origin where it is regarded as equivalent to a second-cycle programme of study in the country of origin, 

– in the case of documents certifying the completion of higher education studies abroad which are in a language other than English or Polish, it is additionally required to present a certified translation of the document into Polish or English. 

CV-scientific CV

In addition, personal data necessary for further proceedings must be completed in the KUE IRK system
. The above-mentioned applications and attachments will be accepted throughout the year.
Link to the IRK system:  On-line Recruitment of Candidates ( – webiste tile: Extramural Doctorate

Step 4. Elaboration (preparation) of Individual Research Plan (IRP)

The person applying for the degree of doktor (PhD) in extramural mode, in consultation with his/her supervisor or supervisors, develops an individual research plan (IRP), which should include, in particular:
1) justification of the choice of the research problem;
2) presentation of the objective of the work, of the research hypotheses, or research questions;
3) indication of the research methodology allowing for an original solution to the research problem;
4) the proposed work structure;
5) presentation of a schedule for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation, specifying the tasks and deadlines for their implementation;
6) the date of submission of the doctoral dissertation;
7) a declaration of other research, conference and publication activities.

The draft individual research plan shall be prepared not later than within six months from the date of appointing the supervisor or supervisors, or the supervisor and assistant supervisor.

Step 5. Presentation and discussion on the proposed project of IRP

The draft of the individual research plan is presented during an open scientific meeting. The presentation and discussion on the individual research plan (IRP) shall be organized in the course of an open discussion during meetings organized online on the MS Teams platform. Th meeting is hosted by the supervisor.
The proceedings of the meeting shall be minuted by a person designated by the supervisor.

Step 6. Application to the Council of the Discipline regarding the approval of IRP

After receiving the opinion of the supervisor and assistant supervisor (if appointed) and the Scientific Council of the KUE Doctoral School (by simple majority of votes, in the presence of at least half of the members of the Council), the individual research plan prepared by the doctoral candidate is presented to the Council for Academic Discipline within 12 months from the date of designation of the supervisor or supervisors, or the supervisor and assistant supervisor, for the Council’s approval.

The following documents must be submitted in order to have the opinion on the IRP by the Scientific Council of the KUE Doctoral School:

  • individual research plan (IPB) in pdf version,
  • opinion of supervisor/s, assistant supervisor (if applicable),
  • minutes of the scientific meeting – IRP presentation,
  • report of changes made to the draft IRP – FORM
  • request to the Discipline Council – FORM.

The individual research plan is approved by the Council for Academic Discipline byway of a resolution adopted by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the composition of the Council’s body. When refusing to approve the individual research plan, the Council for Academic Discipline needs to indicate the elements that need to be changed or supplemented. After these have been taken into account and corrected, the individual research plan may be resubmitted to the Council for Academic Discipline for approval.

Step 7. Verification of learning outcomes at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework (PRK)

After appointing a supervisor or supervisors, or a supervisor and an auxiliary supervisor, and before submitting an application for the initiation of the procedure for conferring a doctoral degree, the candidate applying for a doctoral degree in extramural mode submits an application to the Director of the KUE Doctoral School for verification of learning outcomes pertaining to qualifications at the level 8 of the PQF, along with documents allowing for the certification of these effects.
The Scientific Council of the KUE Doctoral School verifies the learning outcomes for qualifications at PQF level 8. The verification is made on the basis of:
1) confirmation of the presentation at the scientific meeting, outlining the assumptions of the individual research plan that constitutes the basis for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation;
2) confirmation by the supervisor of the implementation of the individual research plan constituting the basis for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation;
3) confirmation of having published at least one publication in the form of a scientific article published in a scientific journal included in the list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued on the basis of Article 276 section 2 point 2 b of the Act or one scientific monograph, in which the authors are not assigned to individual chapters, issued by a publishing house which, in the year of publication of the monograph in its final form, was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the provisions issued on the basis of the Act, Article 267 section 2 point 2 a. If the publications have multiple authorships, it is required that the sum of contributions to the creation of the publications is at least equal to one.
4) confirmation of active participation in at least one scientific conference;
5) certificate, graduation diploma or confirmation of passing a language exam issued by the KUE Language Center, confirming the knowledge of a modernforeign language at the language proficiency level of at least B2 (for candidates who do not have a document confirming the knowledge of a modern foreign language at a language proficiency level of at least B2 we offer the opportunity to take the English language exam organized by the KUE Language Centre – more info);
6) additionally – in the case of persons who have completed the doctoral program – a certificate of completion of the doctoral program.

The Director of the KUE Doctoral School issues a document to the candidate applying for the degree of doctor in extramural mode, certifying the achievement of learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF.

Request for verification of learning outcomes pertaining to qualifications at the level 8 of the PQF – FORM, List of documents submitted – FORM

The fee for conducting an examination verifying the learning outcomes at PQF level 8 is 937,00 PLN (it is 10% of the minimum basic salary of a professor, as determined by the minister responsible for higher education and science).
The aforementioned fee should be paid to the one of the University’s account number (Alior Bank):
PLN account number : 93 2490 0005 0000 4600 9102 9954 – „Fee – verification 8 PQF” or
the equivalent in euro of the aforementioned fee into EUR account number: PL 34 2490 0005 0000 4600 1779 3591 (SWIFT: ALBPPLPW) – „Fee – verification 8 PQF”

Step 8. Implementation of IRP – preparation of doctoral dissertation

Editing of doctoral dissertation – recommendations

Step 9. Verification of the doctoral dissertation by the Unified Antiplagiarism System

The doctoral candidate sends the supervisor the finished thesis in pdf format. The supervisor places the dissertation in the JSA system. After receiving the report from the JSA, the supervisor decides on the acceptance of the report and the submission of the dissertation by the doctoral candidate to the Center for Doctoral Education and Procedures (CDEP) together with the statement or sends the report to the doctoral candidate with an order for improvement.

Step 10. Submission of the doctoral dissertation – application to initiate the commencing procedures to award a doctor’s degree
  • 4 copies of the doctoral dissertation – the first page of the doctoral dissertation should be prepared in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Rector’s Ordinance No. 32/2020 of May 12, 2020 (template – attached as Annex 1 to the above-mentioned Ordinance):
    – 3 hardcover copies,
    – 1 copy, bound in a paperback – version intended for CUE documentation,
  • the doctoral dissertation shall be accompanied by an abstract in English, and a dissertation prepared in a foreign language shall also be accompanied by an abstract in Polish
  • declaration – template (Annex 3 to the Rector’s Ordinance No. 32/202),
  • an electronic medium containing: doctoral dissertation in pdf version, description of the doctoral dissertation in an editable version – template (Annex 2 to the Rector’s Ordinance No. 32/2020),
  • application to the Scientific Council of the Discipline – FORM
  • Copy of diploma of magister (Master’s degree), magister inżynier (Master’s Engineer) or equivalent, or copy of diploma referred to in Article 326 section 2 point 2 of the Act, or Article 327 section 2 of the Act, giving the right to apply for a doctoral degree in the country in which the higher education system of the issuing university operates
  • the supervisor’s opinion on the doctoral dissertation,
  • information on the candidate’s publications referred to in article 3 section 1 point 3 and in article 4 Regulations regarding the procedure for the award of a doctoral degree (doktor i.e. PhD) at the Krakow University of Economics (Appendix No. 1 to the Resolution of the Senate No. T.0022.35.2023 of 24 April 2023) link
  • certificate or diploma confirming the knowledge of this language at the language proficiency level of at least B2 or confirmation of passing the language examination referred to article 5 Regulations. List of certificates confirming the learning outcomes for qualifications at level 8 of the PQF pertaining to the knowledge of a modern foreign language – Appendix 1 to the Regulations
  •  JSA report approved by the supervisor,
  • Statement of the author of the dissertation – FORM
Step 11. Assessment of the doctoral dissertation by external reviewers

The respective Council of the Discipline appoints 3 reviewers from persons who are not faculty of CUE or work for Polish Academy of Sciences, a research institute or an international institute, Centrum Lukasiewicz or Lukasiewicz Network Institute where the person applying for a doctor’s degree may be employed.

The reviewers shall write a review of the dissertation within two months of its submission. To become appointed a reviewer, a person shall hold the degree of a habilitated doctor or the title of a professor. A person who is employed by a foreign university or an institution may become a reviewer even if he does not fulfill the conditions stipulated by section 3 provided the Council of the Discipline recognizes exceptional accomplishments of such person in the area covered by the dissertation.

Step 12. Doctoral examination

Sitting a doctoral examination with a positive result is prerequisite for admission to the doctoral dissertation defence. The doctoral examination shall be held by an examination board of at least five members. The examination board shall include::

b) the examiners in two subjects included in the doctoral examination – the examiners shall hold at least a degree of a habilitated doctor in the discipline covered by the examination,

a) the chairperson selected from the members of the Scientific Council of CUE Doctoral School,

c) at least two members holding a degree of a habilitated doctor or the title of a professor.

The form of the examination shall be decided upon by the examination board. The doctoral examination shall be organized by Center for Doctoral Education and Procedures. The doctoral examination may be evaluated as positive or negative. Should there be differences of opinion among the examination board members, the chairperson of the board shall have the casting vote.

Step 13. Admission to a public defence of doctoral dissertation

On receiving the reviews the Doctoral Board takes a decision on admitting a doctoral student to a public defence of the dissertation. The resolution on admission shall be in the form of a decision. The person admitted to the defence of the doctoral dissertation shall:

a) have received positive reviews from at least two reviewers,

b) have sat a doctoral examination with a positive result.

Step 14. Public defence of the doctoral dessertation

Public defence of the doctoral dissertation shall be held before the Doctoral Board.

Step 15. Conferment of a doctor’s degree

A doctor’s degree is awarded on the basis of the resolution passed by the Discipline Council by a secret ballot by the absolute majority of votes, with at least a half of the statutory composition a